Friday, December 30, 2011

Saying Farewell to 2011

Can't believe it's December 30 already! Where has the year gone? It's been a year of ups and downs in the area. With snow and bitter cold the first few months of the year, flooding on the Missouri River and now drought conditions, it's been one for the books! We had a brown Christmas this year--after a blizzard two years ago and snow and ice on Christmas last year, it was nice not to have to worry about traveling, etc. Christmas Day it was almost 55 degrees here! So far we haven't had any snow--it doesn't hurt my feelings any to see bare ground!
Sorry, it's been so long since I've posted here. Work and other responsibilities have a way of taking priority over posting on my blog. Am hoping that things will slow down now that the holidays are over and I can have more time to get things done that I want to do!
Wishing all of you blessings in 2012!