Friday, January 28, 2011

Trip to Pierre

Went to Pierre, our state capitol, yesterday for Newspaper Day at the Legislature. Mom, Becky and I left at 6 a.m. and after stops in Parkston (coffee for mom and Becky and Casey's donuts), Oacoma (more coffee) and Vivian (more Diet Dew for me!), we made it to Pierre! The further west we went the less snow there was and the warmer it got! By the time we got to Pierre, we didn't even need coats!
It was a very interesting and informative day. Got to meet with our local legislators, Senator Jim Putnam and Representatives Ed Van Gerpen and Frank Kloucek, as well as Senator Jean Hunhoff from Yankton. Everyone we spoke to said it is a "different" session this year with the Governor's proposed budget cuts. After lunch (and a great visit with Denny and Mary from Armour, Scott from Parkston and Nachtigal's from Platte) and a speech by the Governor, we headed to the Capitol. We made it a short stop--sat in on a couple of votes in the Senate--the House was in recess when we were there. Becky did wander down to Capital Lake to take photos of the servicemen's memorials and the geese! The building is so beautiful--unbelievable the craftsmanship that went it to building it! The display of the First Ladies' inaugural gown replicas was very interesting! It's interesting to see how the gowns have changed from the 1800's to the present! I remember checking it out many years ago when we used to go out to Pierre to visit the Haseks.
We all had a great time and I think we all learned a lot about this legislative session! The trip home was pretty quiet--Becky crocheted most of the way home, mom read through the cookbook she gave me for Christmas and I drove! Made stops for ice cream for Becky and coffee for mom (Dairy Queen in Pierre), Presho (munchies and coffee for mom and Diet Dew for me), Oacoma (gas for the van!!) and got back to Tyndall about 6:15 last evening. One thing we did notice is that gas prices are really going up. The cheapest gas was here in Tyndall ($3.09) when we left yesterday morning--otherwise it was $3.19 a gallon for ethanol and regular was $3.22 a gallon or more! Will post photos when I get them off the camera later today.

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