Friday, February 25, 2011

Another Cold and Snowy Day

It's another cold, snowy, windy day here in South Dakota. Hopefully the weather guy is right and it is supposed to warm up next week. It's almost the end of February and I know we can still get snow storms in March and April, but hopefully the bitterly cold temps will come to an end soon.
I know it's too early to start thinking about canning when there's still snow on the ground and most everyone's gardens are buried in the snow, but it's sure been nice this winter to have dill pickles and my freezer cucumbers made from the cucumbers from mom's garden.
I took a bowl of my "Frozen Cucumbers" to the church potluck a couple weeks ago and several people asked for the recipe.

Frozen Cucumbers
(Great way to use those over-sized cucumbers that are too big for pickling)
2 quarts sliced onion
2 quarts sliced cucumbers
2 tablespoons canning salt
Enough water to cover cucumbers and onions
Slice cucumbers and onions into large bowl. (I use my 13 quart stainless steel bowl.) Sprinkle with salt. Pour enough water over cucumbers and onions to just cover. Let set 2 hours. Drain in colander, but do not rinse. Put cucumbers and onions back in bowl. Add:
1 ½ cups sugar
½ cup white vinegar
Stir well.
Put into quart ziplock freezer bags or into freezer containers and freeze.
To use:
Thaw and serve.
These keep well in fridge after they are thawed.
*Note: When I made these in 2010, for each batch I used 3 quarts each cucumbers and onions, 3 tablespoons salt and a gallon of water to cover. After draining, I added 2 ¼ c. sugar and ¾ cup vinegar. Made 10 quart bags full each batch.

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