Monday, February 28, 2011

Blue Jeans Bag

Those of you who know me well know I'm not much of a seamstress! I use my sewing machine mainly for patching and for producing Halloween costumes at the last minute! 
After Dad passed away, mom gave me several pairs of his old jeans for Zane to wear. Since they didn't fit Zane, I decided to get creative with the jeans and use them for "something". This the bag I created from the legs of a pair of the jeans. I lined it with some of the "John Deere" fabric that I bought a long time ago intending to make curtains for Zane's room. Needless to say, I still have lots of John Deere material left! For not having a pattern to work from, I think it turned out pretty well! Thankfully I found a tutorial on line that showed me how to make the lining. Am planning to make potholders out of the pockets on the jeans--just have to get my machine fixed as it jammed while Becky was using it!

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