Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day weekend

It finally warmed up! We were in the 80's and pushing 90 all weekend and even though the wind was nearly "gale-force" I'm not complaining! We need the warm temps and wind to dry out the fields for planting.
Saturday morning Zane left for the Yankton Jr. High track meet at 7:30. I headed down to Springfield to take photos for the paper at the city-wide Rummage sales. They had a good turnout--lots of bargains! I didn't do any rummaging--I have enough to have a sale of my own!! From there I headed to Yankton to the track meet. Zane participated in shotput and discus. After Zane was done throwing, we headed back home and I dropped him off in Tabor to help my brother Richard with mowing. I got back home and hopped on the lawnmower! It was over 80 so I worked on my tan and got my yard mowed and also mowed for one of our customers.

Zane throwing shotput at the Yankton Jr. High Relays

Phyllis, Zane's friend Kolby's mom,  and Shelby waiting for the boys to get done throwing.

Sunday morning Zane left at 5:45 a.m. for Sioux Falls with mom, Richard and Krista for Kelsey and Raquel's AAU Jr. Olympic volleyball tournament. Becky and I went to church, then came home and started laundry. We headed out to the farm later in the afternoon to see how Larry was doing with field work. He was working on field cultivating the big field north of the yard and is hoping he can start planting corn Monday. The thermometer on my truck showed 90 when we got to the farm! From the farm we took a drive down by the river. The river is really up due to all the water being released from the dams, and with the wind blowing like crazy, it was full of whitecaps! There were a few people out trying to fish on what little shore is left since the water is so high. We didn't try fishing--with the wind blowing like crazy it would have been hard to hold the line in the water. 
We got back home and Becky started cleaning out my flowerbed on the south side of the house while I did some more laundry and started making supper. We grilled for supper--Carribean jerk marinaded chicken breast, pork chops, and I also made oven potatoes, pasta crab salad and cherry-pineapple dessert. We have left overs for a couple of meals for this week! Becky did an amazing job cleaning out the flowerbed and also dug out the grass that had grown up between the slabs of sidewalk--what a great Mother's Day gift!! With the hot and humid weather, they issued a tornado watch until 1 a.m.--fortunately we didn't get any severe weather. Zane got home about 8 p.m. and Becky's friend, Kristina, stopped over to visit. The girls headed to Becky's as Kristina was spending the night at Becky's. Zane worked on his homework--nothing like leaving the homework until Sunday night!! I put a couple of rows on another dishcloth and then called it a night. It was nice to sleep with the windows open and the fans running!! We're supposed to have warm weather and wind most of this week so the farmers will be busy trying to get the corn in! They're talking about a chance of severe storms Monday and Tuesday--hopefully it won't develop into anything!

Had to run get a half-inch wrench to adjust the stop on the cylinder on the field cultivator--it was digging too deep!

Larry and I on Mother's Day

Working up the field north of the yard on Mother's Day!

My hard-working farmer "playing" in the dirt!

Tulips at the farm

Crab apple blossoms

The thermometer on my truck on Mother's Day!

Nicky finally sat still so Becky could get a picture of her--of course she had to park herself in the flowerbed!

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