Saturday, May 7, 2011

Warm weather and Tripp Music Contest

It was nearly 80 here yesterday and we're finally having a stretch of nice weather! The grass is growing like crazy and we're busy with mowing! One of the spring traditions in our area is the Tripp Music Contest--usually held the first Friday in May. I'm not sure how many years they've had the contest, but I participated in it in 5th - 8th grade back in the 1970's and it was held even before that! Zane played a solo on his tuba "Russian Medley". Here are a couple of photos from the contest:
Zane playing his tuba at Tripp Music Contest. Grandpa Wayne would be so proud of him!

Linda Haar, one of our high school English teachers and our drama coach was his accompanist.

Miss Haar and Zane after his solo was finished.

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