Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Area Band Festival

Yesterday the Area Band Festival was held in Avon, which is about 10 miles west of here. Kids from Bon Homme, Avon, Viborg, Scotland and Menno participated in the festival. The kids were selected for the Festival earlier this fall and have been practicing their music since then, besides their regular band lessons and practice. It was a full day of music and learning for the kids, capped off by a concert that featured the Jr. High Band under the direction of Gwen Van Gerpen, who was Becky and Katy's band director at Scotland when they were in school, and Chad Dean, who was band director in Avon several years ago. The kids did an awesome job! As Mr. Dean said, it's nice to see the kids cooperating with each other instead of competing against each other!

Here's a few photos I took at the concert last night!

Zane and Grandma Shirley (my mom) before the concert.

Bon Homme High School representatives at Area Band Festival with guest conductor Chad Dean.

Bon Homme Jr. High band representatives at Area Band Festival with guest conductor Gwen Van Gerpen.

Always have to have one "goofing off" photo!

Jr. High Band 

Zane playing his tuba--Grandpa Wayne would be so proud of him!

High School band

Our band director, Kevin McLouth, assisting during the high school band portion of the concert.

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